Why it is better to start working early in the day

Ravikiran Iyengar
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2017


Morning can make all the difference!


This might sound old school but I do prefer to start working early in the day. I’m not saying that you need to mechanically work like a robot from 9–5. I love working, I love to learn and accomplish something new each day. At the same time, I also don’t like to compromise on my fitness, personal hobbies, daily entertainment such as reading, writing etc. (even if it is watching your favourite shows on Netflix)

Too much on the plate? I don’t think so.

I’m 25, worked in 2 different cities and experienced 3 different work cultures. One thing I have definitely learnt is how you start your morning says a lot about you and your work pattern. Some of the things that reflect on a person are being more organized, healthy, productive, optimistic... These are qualities borne out of habits and with each day, these qualities help you become a better person, both professionally & personally.

What does starting work early have to do with you? At the end, you seem to be getting the same amount of work done. You are meeting the required targets for the company. So the big question here is - What difference does it make for YOU?

The feeling of being fresh

Trust me! When you wake up with a fresh mind, you would be amazed with what the mind has to offer. This immediately reflects on the kind of work that you do. You may be doing the same kind of work but everyone including you can see a difference in the way the work has been implemented. You are filled with positive energy all day long to do a lot of good things.

There’s a uniqueness, a freshness, a wholesome pattern to your overall personality and this is something that you won’t witness otherwise.

You can plan your day perfectly

The time at hand lets you keep track on the activity/tasks you have for the day, week, month or year in advance. You’re on top of your game and this sets the ball rolling for prioritizing and strategizing the game plan.

If you know ‘Today’ is going to be a long day, you can prepare well in advance and make sure you and your team are productive while executing the task.

More time to do more

It is very important to look at ourselves as holistic beings and give appropriate time to nurture different aspects of ourselves. Early mornings help you focus more on things that will inspire & motivate you by getting a part of the tedious work out of the way. Moreover, the quiet hours of the morning allow you to work on personal projects without any interruption. Maybe before others at home get up, the sound of school vans, etc.

Early mornings provide one more important element. It makes you ready to face any ad-hoc meetings or workload that you had not anticipated beforehand and which cannot be avoided.

There is research to back up the claim that most of the important work are done during the early times of the day. As was written in a recent article by inc.com,

“Many successful people start the day with email. They may quickly scan their inboxes for urgent messages that need an immediate response or craft a few important emails that they can better focus on while their minds are fresh.”

Work on personal hobbies

Whether it is leisure reading, writing, gym practice or playing a sport, you get an extra hour or so to work on your hobbies. You can read what you love, record your day’s events or learn something new that you have not tried before.

Beginning to work early will give you time to work on other things and the effect is All relative. Your mind is ecstatic with the new energy and the idea of learning something new which in turn, leads to a more peaceful and a stress-free life.

We are not truly taught how to effectively channelise our emotions. Research suggests that writing, for instance, helps in healthy self expression, gives better clarity to things when penned down and can have numerous benefits related to stress relief, emotions and longevity.


If you go back in time, a stable job was considered to be something with 9–5 written on it. Over the course of years, a lot of things have changed. Companies today, have started providing flexible work hours, time-offs for employees, fitness centres and more. This has given employees more motivation and different methods to get around their work.

It’s not what the companies or our employers have to offer. We forget that stability comes from within. The more nurtured and disciplined our mind is, the better stability we have in different aspects of our lives. That’s why working on ourselves is so important for our mental and physical well-being.

What we start our day with and how we act on it talks a lot about our priorities and our attitude towards life/work. Success should not only be measured as an accomplished goal or as something involving the time spent working on a task but be measured in terms of physical abundance, emotional abundance — peace of mind, happiness, joy and wisdom, not just knowledge.

Next time you get a glimpse of the sunrise, wake up the right moment :)

If you loved my post, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. I’ll be coming up with a lot more in the next few days. Hope you enjoy it. :)



Virtual thought leader with a flair for quirky one-liners | Can live on mushrooms | Live for that sleep after Yoga & Meditation